Blog 8.4: Sonic


Since wer’re on the topic of southern fast food here’s Sonic.
In the logo it literally says drive in.  Which makes it abundantly clear what kind of restaurant it is.  Sonic’s logo seems to have not changed over the years. It’s been consistent.   The shapes in the back have a fifties vibe to them portraying the time period, where drive in’s were more popular.  
The target market of Sonic is a more tradional American.   They like the movie grease and dirty dancing and maybe dirty harry.  They like the classic cheeseburger and a milkshake.
The logo works for its target market because the logo is consistent over time like their target market.

Blog 8.3: Chick-fil-A


Chick-fil-A ‘ s logo is simple red and white.  I could not figure out what the C was for a while, but then I opened my eyes to see that it’s a chicken.  The lettering is cutsy cursive.
Chick-fil-A ‘ s competition mainly consists of other specialty fast food restaurants. 
The target market of Chick-fil-A are relational people who don’t just enjoy food but fellowship and interaction with people.   They are 16 -60 years old and are big on family.
This logo works for its target market because the colors are classic American without the blue which resembles some patriotism.   It also has a clever illustration of a chick on the C.   The illustration makes it more young and appealing to the younger demographic.

Blog 8.2: Jake From State Farm

Still one of my favorite commercials fours years on the air.

Product-  State Farm insurance

Price-  Savings are specified, but not price.

Place-  I saw this commercial recently on A&E.

Promotion-  The clip is set in an average american living room where a man is talking to a state farm agent late at night about insurance.  The wife of the man comes down the stairs and asked who are you talking to.  Thinking that her husband is talking to another woman, she grabs the phone and asks “What are you wearing ‘Jake from State Farm’?” and the State Farm agent says “Khakis.”  The tagline of the whole commercial is said by the woman, “She sounds hideous,” and the husband says,”Well she’s a guy so…”

The target market of this product are married couple with a few children.  The couple is in their 30s-60s.  They sit down and watch their shows together like Criminal Minds and Duck Dynasty.

This commercial works because it illustrates the interactions between man and wife and the exaggeration of the whole scene.

Blog 8.1: PBA commercial

Not gonna lie I thought this was a joke at first, but then I realized it was a real thing. Oops.

Price- free online
Place-  I saw this commercial on TLC while watching gypsy weddings.
Promotion-  the commercial starts out with middle ages people laughing and a light sad music in the background with a narrating lady talking.   The words on the screen highlight the letters PBA.

The target market of this product are 45-75 year olds who have had health issues in the past and love watching TLC. This target market loves DIY shows as well as weird reality shows.

This commercial works for the target market because grabs viewer’s attention right away and it aired on their favorite television network.