Blog 6.4: finish line

Finish Line’s logo is simple and athletic with a blue running figure in the middle.  It’s competitor, East Bay is also simple but in cursive writing and yellow and black.  Both logos are distinct from each other.

The target market  of this product is athletes with a lower budget than most.  Finish Line attracts the 13-30 year old males looking for cheaper shoes and deals.  They are athletes who primarily play basketball and other indoor sports.

The Finish Line Logo works for its target market because the logo is black and simple.  It is also blue which appeals to more males.  The blue man running symbolizes speed to go with the Finish Line name urging the runner to finish.  This identifies with athletes.

Blog 6.3: Jonathon Adler

I love Jonathon Adler.  Ever since I saw a unique storage contraption he made, I fell in love.  His advertisement for Nifty Gifties displays his simple name as the logo with top and bottom calligraphy borders and displays of the colorful products.  In the background the ad has an “I ❤ NY” sign and in one of the frames shows a child.

The target market of this ad is mothers age 30-50 who are very organized and like going to Marshal’s and TJ Maxx to look through the notebook section.  These women love notebooks whether they use them or not, they like to carry them around and scribble “to do lists” and notes.  If their living space isn’t already organized they sit looking at how it can be organized or what more can they organize.  They love bold colors but like the design to be simple.

The ad works for the target market because it appeals to the consumer’s creativity while also appealing to the practicality these women have.  The ad is colorful yet simple.  It simply displays the products to show the consumer what is offered.

Blog 6.2: Close Enough to Superwoman

On my Facebook feed I saw this advertisement as a suggested post.  The title of the page was “Close Enough to Superwoman” and there was a sweatshirt that said “I’m not superwoman but I’m an assistant manager so close enough.”  I noticed that this was some sort of advertisement that got an algorithm to find those Facebook users who have assistant manager listed as their profession like myself.

wpid-20150213_003128.jpgThe ad appeals to the niche market of assistant managers.  I have seen these before but say something more like “Stay calm and work at Maurice’s” and these were not made by Maurice’s.  I thought they were kind of funny especially the one that said “I can’t keep calm, I’m a Maxson.”  This appealed to my last name and put it into the ad specially designed for me with an algorithm.  The target market is difficult to identify, because the company doing this uses algorithms in Facebook to use user’s information into their product.  The target market probably is a young adult ranging from 13-30 who is very involved in social media and like personalizing their personal items so people can identify them.

This kind of advertising appeals to the target market because it makes them feel special.  The unique ad that has the Facebook user’s information that is unique to them in the advertisement signifies that the user is special.  It makes the user laugh and question, “Well how much is it?” That’s what draws the consumer in.

Blog 6.1: Dove Chocolate

Dove makes my favorite chocolates especially the dark chocolate with almonds!  Just looking at the logo it’s simple and consistent over all their products and packaging.  The Dove logo has Dove written out in chocolate with a simple chocolate line underneath.  Dove’s primary competitor in my opinion is Lindt’s Chocolates.  They compete in both price and status.  Lindt’s logo is simple with red and gold.  The lettering is wrapped in a gold oval and a Swiss symbol net to “Lindt’s.”  In my opinion Lindt’s logo looks more high-class and competes better in status than Dove chocolates do.

The target audience for Dove chocolates is a 25-45 year old woman who loves watching Rom-Coms by herself and cry at the parts where the two get together in the end.  She loves the words of wisdom in the wrapping of the chocolates and takes them to heart.  If she feels like the message pertains to her exactly she’ll post them on Facebook.

The logo works for this demographic because it is more of a feminine ad and appeals to women.  The chocolate lettering signifies very clearly that the brand sells chocolate which is good because the target market likes to buy her chocolates without paying much attention to what she is buying.