Blog 4.4: Minute Maid Logo

As I was drinking my lemonade from the deli, I realized that Minute Maid has never really wpid-20150205_224218.jpgchanged their logo from what I have seen.  The logo is simple.  It is a black square with white Minute on top and Maid on the bottom.  The font is simple, very much like Times New Roman but with rounder lettering.  Minute Maid‘s main competitor Simply has a very similar logo.  This logo is the opposite of Minute Maid, it has black lettering and a fun cursive like font.  It is also personalized to each juice, Simply Lemonade, Simply Orange, Simply Apple etc.

Minute Maid’s target market is a coke drinker.  They were raised on coke so therefore will support in drinking a Minute Maid juice for breakfast instead of a coke, for variety yet by staying within the brand.   They are millennials growing up with their mother purchasing Minute Maid when they were children.  They are around 30-40 years old.

The logo works for their target market because it is simply and is stagnant.  It is a brand that people have grown up with therefore keeping the brand logo the same is crucial for brand cognition,

Blog 4.3: Gerber Baby Tiny Taste Testers

Product-  Gerber baby food.

Price- not specified.

Place-  This advertisement was aired during the commercials of an online show i was watching on the CW network.

Promotion-  First off, these babies are the cutest thing ever!  The ad starts with a panorama of babies eating the Gerber food.  As the camera moves  t gradually shows more babies getting sleepy and eventually one that has fallen asleep.  So cute.

The target market for this ad is women, moms in particular who love watching TV dramas.  Since the ad was placed in the middle of one.  These moms love babies like any other woman.  However I also believe that there is another target market.  Women my age so around the 18-25 range who do not have kids yet.  When i am asked what kinds of baby food is out there, all I can say is Gerber.  Gerber has ingrained in us with ads that they are the baby products brand to buy.

This ad works for their target markets because it is cute and it grabs viewers attention and gives them the feels!  Who wouldn’t want to hold that baby at the end?

Blog 4.2: Chevy SuperBowl Commercial 4G LTE

Product-  All black Chevy Colorado with 4G LTE in the the car.

Price-  not specified.

Place-  The commercial was aired in the beginning of the Superbowl, right when the game was about to start.

Promotion-  The commercial gives everyone a  scare that the network has connecting issues and we are not going to be able to watch the Superbowl.  At least that’s what I thought.  The screen goes black and poses the question, “What would you do if your TV went out?”  then “The new Chevy Colorado offers built in 4G LTE.”  You can stream the game in the truck.  The ad goes to a clip of the actual Chevy Colorado all-black truck with AC/DC’s Back in Black playing in the background.

Chevy Truck’s target market is men over the age of 30.  These men are familiar with the AC/DC and love masculine things.  They eat three eggs for breakfast with pancakes and are in the gym whenever they are not in a suit or in the boardroom.  These men are powerful in their workplaces and social worlds.

This ad works for the market because it shows the masculinity and power of this vehicle that these men want.  It’s all black and luxurious while also having a traveling hot spot where they can watch the game if they wanted to.

Blog 4.1: T-Mobile #KimsDataStash

Product-  T-Mobile service that allows you to keep your unused data for up to a year.

Price-  Not specified.

Place-  The ad was aired early in the Superbowl.

Promotion-  The ad features Kim Kardashian with music in the background making viewers believe this was a PSA or animal rights commercial.  BUT then you begin to realize it’s a commercial about data from T-Mobile.  Kardashian starts talking about how thousands of unused data are taken back by companies, tragic.  Thousands of data to view Kardashian’s outfits, makeup, backhand, and outfits.  During this line, videos of Kardashian doing all these selfies are shown.  The ad goes back to Kardashian and the line is “Help Save the Data.”

The target market that T-Mobile is trying to reach here is a woman who is into pop culture and the media.  She is cautious of her appearance and takes care of herself, spending whatever is necessary to look good.  She eats a half cup of granola in the morning with a grapefruit to make sure her metabolism keeps up.   Her favorite TV shows include Keeping up with the Kardashians, Total Divas, Botched, and Grey’s Anatomy.  Her goal is to look like Angelina Jolie one day.  Her clothes are expensive and likes to show it.  If they aren’t name brand then they aren’t talked about.

This ad works for their target because any woman who knows celebrity gossip can relate to Kim Kardashian and she presents a comical recognition.  The fact that she is making fun of herself is a plus.  I personally watch Keeping up with the Kardashians with my mother and we both thought this ad was hilarious.  By using humor the ad caught the attention of the younger demographic.